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We didn't do much this year. Just kinda chilled really. We watched a lot of the bases free movies. Even had a mock date. My friend and I got all dressed up and we went to the premier of Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore. We told them to open the doors for ladies, etc. It was really cute. I actually didn't go to the pool much this year and I have no reason why other than pure laziness. Summertime was long this year and as much as I moaned and groaned for school to get here I'm a little sad. Monday is not only Jaidon's birthday, but the first day of kindergarten and Daddy won't even be here to celebrate with us and wipe my tears away. Geez...now that I've written this out I seem kinda boring huh??? LOL
Anyhow...how was your summer???? Don't forget to come back and post your url (for the specific post not just your blog in general).
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