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Some things will simply never change...unless WE change them

Being this story is from LA, let me begin by saying I'm not at all shocked or appalled. I'm more so irritated. Today is Oct 16, 2009. Slavery was abolished 144 years ago. Segregation ended 39 years ago and hello, Obama was inagurated as the 1st African American president on Jan 20th of this year. Somehow or another a few people minds are still stuck in the past. We aren't mutants (although I'd totally be on the civil rights train for them too if they existed - Did I mention Xmen are hot?). All of our bloods flows the same and we all die at some point. Who came up with the concept that one ethnicity is better than the other?

So on to the latest news that influenced this blog. A JoP in Tangipahoa Parish, La decided to deny a marriage license to an interracial couple, claiming to be concerned for their future children. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have that right and I'm pretty sure their future children will come out just fine. As far as we have come, racism is still prevalant. Now of course he denies being racist because he has plenty of black friends, but I've heard that line before. Let it be known that if you can clearly state how many ethnicities are in your circle of friend without pausing to count and think that is not

Read the store here.

My question is what do we do next? Often times we read these stories and are heated for a moment or two and then move on as though nothing has happened. We all have a geographical and moral obligation to do something about the negativity in OUR country. This country has so much good, but there is so much that still needs work. This is not simply the governments job...that's half the reason we're in this mess.

Just want to give a shoutout to my brother and sister in law. Not only are they a bomb ass married interracial couple, but they are both serving our country in the Army over in Iraq. I love Yall!!!!!

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