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Mama Kat from Mama's Losing It! has a pretty awesome weekly writer's workshop for those who need help with writer's block. One of the categories this week is forgiveness and since that is one of the lessons of G.Y.I.T. I figured PERFECT!Not learning to forgive can result in very negative consequences...whether it's forgiving yourself, your spouse or your parents you have to learn to forgive in order to move on to bigger and better things in your life. Something to think about...
Here are a few things I need to let go of...
Dear Brittany,
Girl you have been through and done it all. I forgive you for your ignorance. Yeah you've made crazy mistakes that have affected your life in so many crazy ways. You did the best you knew how. Now we've just got to know better.
I forgive you for not forgiving your father. Yeah he hurt you in more ways then one and he wasn't who you needed him to be, but you've given him all the power in the last ten years and you hardly see or speak to him. It's time to take it back.
I forgive you for messing up a good thing simply because you didn't know how to love or be loved.
I forgive you for all the children lost.
I forgive you for getting married on a whim and then expecting it to be instantly happily ever after. I forgive you for being manipulative by threatening to leave all the time.
I forgive you for accepting less than the best.
I forgive you for doubting God.
Girl I forgive you for everything!
Do you have any baggage you need to let go of????

ya know, when I was reading the prompts, I didnt think of forgiving myself. Excellent post!
Thanks! We're often hardest on ourselves and don't even realize it.
Forgiveness is not easy but is important to keep life going....
Great post!!!
Thanks for sharing!
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