The very first post I ever wrote was titled "And so it begins..." and was published June 23, 2009:

My husband (Kari) and I got married 5.18.09. We are the parents of 2 boys: David-6 and Jaidon-3. We're currently ttc our third and I'm in the process of convincing him to have a fourth later on...I don't like odd numbers.
Kari joined the Navy last year to provide our family with a better life. I appreciate everything he has done, but I miss him so much. He's been away from home since Nov of last year and I'm lucky if I see him a couple times a month. We will move to our first duty station next month, but then he will be off to deployment...bleh.
For those who like to stalk FF chart :)
I appreciate the simplicity, but looking back at my post I think inserting a few pictures or at least a picture of myself would've been nice.

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